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Free Account

Try now
Access to the Strategy Template Store for purchasing pre-built strategies
Basic backtesting capabilities
Execution of a single strategy up to $1,000 per order
Execution of a multiple strategies with an unrestricted value
Execution of multiple strategies up to $5,000 per order
Connection to multiple accounts simultaneously with third-party exchanges

Basic Account

Most popular
50 $ 19 99
Access to the Strategy Template Store for purchasing pre-built strategies
Unrestricted backtesting & prioritisation
Execution of multiple strategies up to $5,000 per order
Connection to multiple accounts simultaneously with third-party exchanges
Execution of a multiple strategies with an unrestricted value
Annual 25% discount


Best value
150 $ 49 99
Access to the Strategy Template Store for purchasing pre-built strategies
Unrestricted backtesting & prioritisation
Execution of a multiple strategies with an unrestricted value
Connection to multiple accounts simultaneously with third-party exchanges
Execution of multiple strategies up to $5,000 per order
Annual 25% discount